dimecres, 17 de juny del 2020


   LEVEL 5

Hello students of level 5!

I want to say very good to ELVIS,  EMILIANO,  MIRIAM, WIAM, BENIAMIN, SADJO, NISRINE, RIDOUAN, MARCUS, ARWA and PRAISES for doing the English activities!!!

Class of level 5! Here you are three activities:

1.-Listen to teacher Emilia about her summer plans and answer the questions:

2.-Write a composition about your summer plans. Write it on the notebook and send it to: esterbalafia@gmail.com

3.-Listen and sing the song: "On top of the world"


Hello students of level 6!

I want to say very good to XAVI, EL MAHDI, SAIMA, CYRINE, ZIHAO, ROBERTA, REBECA, ALEJANDRO, FODEMOUSSA, J.DAVID, LAMYAe, JESSICA and SABRINA for doing the English activities!!!

Class of level 6! Here you are three activities:

1.-Listen to teacher Emilia about her summer plans and answer the questions:
2.-Write a composition about how you feel saying goodbye to Escola Balàfia and about your summer plans. Write it on the notebook and send it to: esterbalafia@gmail.com

3.-Listen and sing the song: "The Nights"

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