dimecres, 20 de maig del 2020


   LEVEL 5

Hello students of level 5!

I want to say very good to SAAD, ELVIS, ELENA, ANDREI, NISRINE, WIAM, ROMAISA, MIRIAM, ARWA, SADJO, EMILIANO, MOHAMED A., PRAISES, BENIAMIN and RIDUOAN for the English activities!!! (remember to write your name!!!)

Class of level 5! Here you are two activities:

1.- Read and answer the questions: Coronavirus 
Click here to answer the questions(write your name)

2.-Send an audio or a video in English! with your name. I give you some ideas: explaining about you, reading a composition of your notebook you like, reading a story you like or any idea you have...
Send it to: esterbalafia@gmail.com

3.- Listen and sing the song: We are the world

   LEVEL 6

Hello students of level 6!

I want to say very good to XAVI, EL MAHDI, SAIMA, CYRINE, MENEM, J.DAVID, LAMYAE, ZIHAO, JESSICA, ROBERTA, REBECA, REDOUANE, ROMAISA and ALEJANDRO for the English activities!!! (remember to write your name!!!)

Class of level 6! Here you are two activities:

1.- Read and answer the questions: Coronavirus 
Click here to answer the questions(write your name)

2.-Send an audio or a video in English! with your name. I give you some ideas: explaining about you, reading a composition of your notebook you like, reading a story you like or any idea you have...

Send it to: esterbalafia@gmail.com

3.- Listen and sing the song: We are the world

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