dimecres, 27 de maig del 2020


   LEVEL 5

Hello students of level 5!

I want to say very good to SAAD, ELVIS, ELENA, ANDREI, WIAM, MIRIAM, ARWA, EMILIANO, MOHAMED A., PRAISES, BENIAMIN, RIDUOAN, NISRINE and SADJO for the English activities!!! (remember to write your name!!!)

Class of level 5! Here you are three activities:

1.-Read the text of Teacher Emilia: Four important places in Namibia" 

2.-Record a video or an audio reading a book or singing a song or doing your presentation or... (listen to the example of Miriam) Send it to: esterbalafia@gmail.com

3.-Listen and sing the song, teacher Emilia likes it a lot:
Moana How Far I'll Go


Hello students of level 6!

I want to say very good to XAVI, EL MAHDI, SAIMA, CYRINE, J.DAVID, ZIHAO, ROBERTA, REBECA, ROMAISA, ALEJANDRO, OWEN, HAGI and FODEMOUSSA for the English activities!!! (remember to write your name!!!)

Class of level 6! Here you are three activities:

1.-Read the text of Teacher Emilia: Four important places in Namibia" 

2.-Record a video or an audio reading a book or singing a song or doing your presentation or... (listen to the example of Xavi) Send it to: esterbalafia@gmail.com
Listen to Xavi:

3.-Listen and sing the song, teacher Emilia likes it a lot:
Moana How Far I'll Go

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